6. Shoot during the Golden Hour.

Did you ever wonder how photographers capture the soft warm light that makes pictures look magical? The answer is: they’re choosing the right time – the golden hour. This mysterious term refers to one hour after sunrise or one hour before sunset. During this time the light becomes very soft and shadows aren’t as sharp as those in the middle of the day.

Ula Burgiel photography, Wales landscape, Pembrokeshire

Check the exact time of the sunrise and sunset for your photo shoot and use the golden hour properly.

I recommend experimenting with different positions – take pictures facing the sun and with the sun behind your back. Try to catch water reflections and other light effects – I’m sure you’ll be proud of the results. If you’re photographing a model bring a reflector with you and bounce a bit of sunlight into his or her  face.

Ula Burgiel photography, Wales landscape, Pembrokeshire
Ula Burgiel photography, Wales landscape, Pembrokeshire

Note, the golden hour flies by surprisingly quickly so plan your photo shoot carefully – the next day may not be sunny, especially if you live in UK as I do. 🙂

7. Check the tide table and weather forecast.

If you’re photographing the coastline check the weather and tide table. You don’t want to be surprised by sudden change of the water level or a storm. Always be prepared and protect your precious gear.

Ula Burgiel photography, Wales landscape, Pembrokeshire

Ula Burgiel photography, Wales landscape, Pembrokeshire
Ula Burgiel photography, Wales landscape, Pembrokeshire


So, there you have it. These are my tricks for landscape photography:

  1. Compose well.
  2. Bring the sturdy tripod.
  3. Use fast shutter speed to catch motion.
  4. Remember to eat.
  5. Use interesting angles.
  6. Shoot during the Golden Hour.
  7. Check the tide table and weather forecast.

Use those tips and most of all – have fun with it! Have your camera set up right so there are no limits to your creativity.

Try it out and let me know the results in the comments below. Maybe you have another tip to add? 🙂

x Ula

Edited by: Ben Woollacott, benwoollacott.com

3 replies on “7 tips for landscape photography”

  1. PrzepiÄ™kne fotografie. Bardzo poetyckie w nastroju. Ciekawy komentarz i bÅ‚yskotliwy tytuÅ‚. Podoba mi siÄ™ podziaÅ‚ na części – dobra kompozycja. Facet na zdjÄ™ciu wydaje mi siÄ™ znajomy ;-)) Pozdrawiam i życzÄ™ wszystkiego dobrego!

    1. Dziękuję! Bardzo milo przeczytać taki komentarz. Razem z modelem ze zdjęcia rownież serdecznie pozdrawiamy 🙂 Walia jest przepięknym miejscem, odwiedzam ją ponownie w czasie Świąt Bożego Narodzenia. Polecam! 🙂

  2. Święta w Walii 🙂 bardzo byłyby świąteczne. Kto wie, co żyćko przyniesie. Maybe Baybe ;-))) Wasze niech będą przepiękne i bardzo cieplutko kochane. Pozdrowionka!

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